Welcome in the Press / Media area!

Contact us for a complete press file

Press Accreditation

Given the security arrangements put in place at the Cité des Sciences, a list of accredited journalists is mandatory for this event.
To register as a media representative, you must complete the accreditation form online. Each application for accreditation will be carefully verified by the Forum organizers and additional information may be requested.

Further information, please contact our Press contact:

Deepali Patel


 +33 (1) 49 20 05 21

 + 33 (6) 16 56 20 84

Regulation accreditation press

Press accreditation is granted to journalists for the following media:

  • Newspapers, magazines and information publications
  • Press agencies
  • TV
  • Online media

For freelance journalists, a letter of assignment from an editor will be requested.

The following profiles are invited to register as participants to the event:

  • Public Relations
  • Press Attachés
  • Bloggers

Conference organizers can refuse accreditation.

Event access and technical settings

Access to:

  • Scientific sessions listed in the program
  • Press conference(s)
  • Press Room

Copyright and authorisation

Individuals must obtain written approval from the International Yoga & amp; Health before filming, or taking pictures. If prior written approval is obtained for filming, the following rules must be followed:

  • Camera crews must be accompanied by an official representative of the Forum
  • Filming and photography must be limited to the agreed terms

To register as a media representative, you must contact us and submit an appropriate accreditation form. All submitted credentials will be carefully verified and verified by the Congress organizers and additional references may be requested.